osgEarth 2.1.1
00001 /* -*-c++-*- */ 00002 /* osgEarth - Dynamic map generation toolkit for OpenSceneGraph 00003 * Copyright 2008-2010 Pelican Mapping 00004 * http://osgearth.org 00005 * 00006 * osgEarth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00007 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 00008 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00009 * (at your option) any later version. 00010 * 00011 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00012 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00013 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00014 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 00015 * 00016 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 00017 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> 00018 */ 00019 00020 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00021 00022 static char source_xyzToLatLonHeight[] = 00023 00024 "vec3 xyz_to_lat_lon_height(in vec3 xyz) \n" 00025 "{ \n" 00026 " float X = xyz.x; \n" 00027 " float Y = xyz.y; \n" 00028 " float Z = xyz.z; \n" 00029 " float _radiusEquator = 6378137.0; \n" 00030 " float _radiusPolar = 6356752.3142; \n" 00031 " float flattening = (_radiusEquator-_radiusPolar)/_radiusEquator;\n" 00032 " float _eccentricitySquared = 2*flattening - flattening*flattening;\n" 00033 " float p = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y);\n" 00034 " float theta = atan(Z*_radiusEquator , (p*_radiusPolar));\n" 00035 " float eDashSquared = (_radiusEquator*_radiusEquator - _radiusPolar*_radiusPolar)/(_radiusPolar*_radiusPolar);\n" 00036 " float sin_theta = sin(theta);\n" 00037 " float cos_theta = cos(theta);\n" 00038 "\n" 00039 " float latitude = atan( (Z + eDashSquared*_radiusPolar*sin_theta*sin_theta*sin_theta), (p - _eccentricitySquared*_radiusEquator*cos_theta*cos_theta*cos_theta) );\n" 00040 " float longitude = atan(Y,X);\n" 00041 " float sin_latitude = sin(latitude);\n" 00042 " float N = _radiusEquator / sqrt( 1.0 - _eccentricitySquared*sin_latitude*sin_latitude);\n" 00043 " float height = p/cos(latitude) - N;\n" 00044 " return vec3(longitude, latitude, height);\n" 00045 "}\n"; 00046 00047 static char source_geodeticToXYZ[] = 00048 00049 "vec3 geodeticToXYZ(in vec3 geodetic) \n" 00050 "{ \n" 00051 " float RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378137.0; \n" 00052 " float RADIUS_POLAR = 6356752.3142; \n" 00053 " float FLATTENING = (RADIUS_EQUATOR-RADIUS_POLAR)/RADIUS_EQUATOR; \n" 00054 " float ECC2 = (2.0*FLATTENING) - (FLATTENING*FLATTENING); \n" 00055 "\n" 00056 " float lat = geodetic.y; \n" 00057 " float lon = geodetic.x; \n" 00058 " float alt = geodetic.z; \n" 00059 " float sinLat = sin(lat); \n" 00060 " float cosLat = cos(lat); \n" 00061 " float n = RADIUS_EQUATOR / sqrt( 1.0 - ECC2*sinLat*sinLat ); \n" 00062 " float x = (n+alt)*cosLat*cos(lon); \n" 00063 " float y = (n+alt)*cosLat*sin(lon); \n" 00064 " float z = (n*(1.0 - ECC2) + alt) * sinLat; \n" 00065 " return vec3(x,y,z); \n" 00066 "} \n"; 00067 00068 static char source_rotVecToGeodetic[] = 00069 00070 "vec3 rotVecToGeodetic(in vec3 r) \n" 00071 "{ \n" 00072 " float latitude = -asin(r.y); \n" 00073 " float longitude = (r.x*r.x + r.z*r.z < 0.0005 ) ? 0.0 : atan2(r.x,r.z); \n" 00074 " return vec3( longitude, latitude, 0.0 ); \n" 00075 "} \n"; 00076 00077 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00078 00079 00080 00081 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00082 00083 static char source_slerp[] = 00084 00085 "vec3 slerp(in vec3 p0, in vec3 p1, in float t) \n" 00086 "{ \n" 00087 " float theta = acos( dot(p0,p1) ); \n" 00088 " vec3 s = ( (p0*sin(1.0-t)*theta) + p1*sin(t*theta) ) / sin(theta); \n" 00089 " return s * ( length(p0)+length(p1) ) * 0.5; \n" 00090 "} \n"; 00091 00092 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00093 00094 static char source_fnormal[] = 00095 00096 "vec3 fnormal(void)\n" 00097 "{\n" 00098 " //Compute the normal \n" 00099 " vec3 normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal; \n" 00100 " normal = normalize(normal); \n" 00101 " return normal; \n" 00102 "}\n"; 00103 00104 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00105 00106 static char source_directionalLight[] = 00107 00108 "void directionalLight(in int i, \n" 00109 " in vec3 normal, \n" 00110 " inout vec4 ambient, \n" 00111 " inout vec4 diffuse, \n" 00112 " inout vec4 specular) \n" 00113 "{ \n" 00114 " float nDotVP; // normal . light direction \n" 00115 " float nDotHV; // normal . light half vector \n" 00116 " float pf; // power factor \n" 00117 " \n" 00118 " nDotVP = max(0.0, dot(normal, normalize(vec3 (gl_LightSource[i].position)))); \n" 00119 " nDotHV = max(0.0, dot(normal, vec3 (gl_LightSource[i].halfVector))); \n" 00120 " \n" 00121 " if (nDotVP == 0.0) \n" 00122 " { \n" 00123 " pf = 0.0; \n" 00124 " } \n" 00125 " else \n" 00126 " { \n" 00127 " pf = pow(nDotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess); \n" 00128 " \n" 00129 " } \n" 00130 " ambient += gl_LightSource[i].ambient; \n" 00131 " diffuse += gl_LightSource[i].diffuse * nDotVP; \n" 00132 " specular += gl_LightSource[i].specular * pf; \n" 00133 "} \n"; 00134 00135 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00136 00137 static char source_vertShaderMain_slerpMethod[] = 00138 00139 "uniform vec3 c0, c1, c2; \n" 00140 "uniform vec2 t0, t1, t2; \n" 00141 "uniform vec3 n0, n1, n2; \n" 00142 "varying vec2 texCoord0; \n" 00143 "\n" 00144 "void main (void) \n" 00145 "{ \n" 00146 " // interpolate vert form barycentric coords \n" 00147 " float u = gl_Vertex.x; \n" 00148 " float v = gl_Vertex.y; \n" 00149 " float w = gl_Vertex.z; // 1-u-v \n" 00150 " vec3 interpNormal = normalize(n0*u + n1*v + n2*w); \n" 00151 " vec3 geodetic = rotVecToGeodetic( interpNormal ); \n" 00152 " vec4 outVertex = vec4( geodeticToXYZ(geodetic), gl_Vertex.w ); \n" 00153 " gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * outVertex; \n" 00154 "\n" 00155 " // set up the tex coords for the frad shader: \n" 00156 " u = gl_MultiTexCoord0.s; \n" 00157 " v = gl_MultiTexCoord0.t; \n" 00158 " w = 1.0 - u - v; \n" 00159 " texCoord0 = t0*u + t1*v + t2*w; \n" 00160 "} \n"; 00161 00162 static char source_vertShaderMain_latLonMethod[] = 00163 00164 "uniform vec3 c0, c1, c2; \n" 00165 "uniform vec2 t0, t1, t2; \n" 00166 "varying vec2 texCoord0; \n" 00167 "\n" 00168 "void main (void) \n" 00169 "{ \n" 00170 " // interpolate vert form barycentric coords \n" 00171 " float u = gl_Vertex.x; \n" 00172 " float v = gl_Vertex.y; \n" 00173 " float w = gl_Vertex.z; // 1-u-v \n" 00174 " vec3 outCoord3 = c0*u + c1*v + c2*w; \n" 00175 " vec4 outVert4 = vec4( lonLatAlt_to_XYZ( outCoord3 ), gl_Vertex.w ); \n" 00176 " gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * outVert4; \n" 00177 "\n" 00178 " // set up the tex coords for the frad shader: \n" 00179 " u = gl_MultiTexCoord0.s; \n" 00180 " v = gl_MultiTexCoord0.t; \n" 00181 " w = 1.0 - u - v; \n" 00182 " texCoord0 = t0*u + t1*v + t2*w; \n" 00183 "} \n"; 00184 00185 static char source_vertShaderMain_geocentricMethod[] = 00186 00187 "uniform vec3 v0, v1, v2; \n" 00188 "uniform vec2 t0, t1, t2; \n" 00189 "varying vec2 texCoord0; \n" 00190 "\n" 00191 "void main (void) \n" 00192 "{ \n" 00193 " // interpolate vert form barycentric coords \n" 00194 " float u = gl_Vertex.x; \n" 00195 " float v = gl_Vertex.y; \n" 00196 " float w = gl_Vertex.z; // 1-u-v \n" 00197 " vec3 outVert3 = v0*u + v1*v + v2*w; \n" 00198 " float h = length(v0)*u + length(v1)*v + length(v2)*w; // interpolate height \n" 00199 " vec4 outVert4 = vec4( normalize(outVert3) * h, gl_Vertex.w ); \n" 00200 " gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * outVert4; \n" 00201 "\n" 00202 " // set up the tex coords for the frad shader: \n" 00203 " u = gl_MultiTexCoord0.s; \n" 00204 " v = gl_MultiTexCoord0.t; \n" 00205 " w = 1.0 - u - v; \n" 00206 " texCoord0 = t0*u + t1*v + t2*w; \n" 00207 "} \n"; 00208 00209 static char source_vertShaderMain_flatMethod[] = 00210 00211 "uniform vec3 v0, v1, v2; \n" 00212 "uniform vec2 t0, t1, t2; \n" 00213 "varying vec2 texCoord0; \n" 00214 "\n" 00215 "void main (void) \n" 00216 "{ \n" 00217 " // interpolate vert form barycentric coords \n" 00218 " float u = gl_Vertex.x; \n" 00219 " float v = gl_Vertex.y; \n" 00220 " float w = gl_Vertex.z; // 1-u-v \n" 00221 " vec4 outVert4 = vec4( v0*u + v1*v + v2*w, gl_Vertex.w); \n" 00222 " gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * outVert4; \n" 00223 "\n" 00224 " // set up the tex coords for the frad shader: \n" 00225 " u = gl_MultiTexCoord0.s; \n" 00226 " v = gl_MultiTexCoord0.t; \n" 00227 " w = 1.0 - u - v; \n" 00228 " texCoord0 = t0*u + t1*v + t2*w; \n" 00229 "} \n"; 00230 00231 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00232 00233 char source_fragShaderMain[] = 00234 00235 "varying vec2 texCoord0; \n" 00236 "uniform sampler2D tex0; \n" 00237 "\n" 00238 "void main (void) \n" 00239 "{ \n" 00240 " gl_FragColor = texture2D( tex0, texCoord0 ); \n" 00241 "} \n"; 00242