osgEarth 2.1.1
Static Public Member Functions

osgEarth::Symbology::SLDReader Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool readStyleFromCSSParams (const Config &conf, Symbology::Style &out_style)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file SLD.

Member Function Documentation

bool SLDReader::readStyleFromCSSParams ( const Config conf,
Symbology::Style out_style 
) [static]

Definition at line 62 of file SLD.cpp.

    sc.setName( conf.key() );

    LineSymbol*      line      = 0L;
    PolygonSymbol*   polygon   = 0L;
    PointSymbol*     point     = 0L;
    TextSymbol*      text      = 0L;
    ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = 0L;
    MarkerSymbol*    marker    = 0L;
    AltitudeSymbol*  altitude  = 0L;
    SkinSymbol*      skin      = 0L;

    for(Properties::const_iterator p = conf.attrs().begin(); p != conf.attrs().end(); p++ )
        // ..... LineSymbol .....

        if ( p->first == CSS_STROKE )
            if (!line) line = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<LineSymbol>();
            line->stroke()->color() = htmlColorToVec4f( p->second );
        else if ( p->first == CSS_STROKE_OPACITY )
            if (!line) line = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<LineSymbol>();
            line->stroke()->color().a() = as<float>( p->second, 1.0f );
        else if ( p->first == CSS_STROKE_WIDTH )
            if (!line) line = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<LineSymbol>();
            line->stroke()->width() = as<float>( p->second, 1.0f );
        else if ( p->first == CSS_STROKE_LINECAP )
            if (!line) line = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<LineSymbol>();
            parseLineCap( p->second, line->stroke()->lineCap() );

        // ..... PolygonSymbol .....

        else if ( p->first == CSS_FILL )
            if (!polygon) polygon = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<PolygonSymbol>();
            polygon->fill()->color() = htmlColorToVec4f( p->second );

            if ( !point ) point = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<PointSymbol>();
            point->fill()->color() = htmlColorToVec4f( p->second );

            if ( !text ) text = new TextSymbol();
            text->fill()->color() = htmlColorToVec4f( p->second );
        else if ( p->first == CSS_FILL_OPACITY )
            if (!polygon) polygon = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<PolygonSymbol>();
            polygon->fill()->color().a() = as<float>( p->second, 1.0f );

            if ( !point ) point = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<PointSymbol>();
            point->fill()->color().a() = as<float>( p->second, 1.0f );

            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            text->fill()->color().a() = as<float>( p->second, 1.0f );

        // ..... PointSymbol .....

        else if (p->first == CSS_POINT_SIZE)
            if ( !point ) point = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<PointSymbol>();
            point->size() = as<float>(p->second, 1.0f);

        // ..... TextSymbol .....

        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_SIZE)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            text->size() = as<float>(p->second, 32.0f);
        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_FONT)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            text->font() = p->second;
        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_HALO)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            text->halo()->color() = htmlColorToVec4f( p->second );
        //else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE)
        //    if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
        //    text->attribute() = p->second;
        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_ROTATE_TO_SCREEN)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            if (p->second == "true") text->rotateToScreen() = true;
            else if (p->second == "false") text->rotateToScreen() = false;
        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_SIZE_MODE)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            if (p->second == "screen") text->sizeMode() = TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_SCREEN;
            else if (p->second == "object") text->sizeMode() = TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_OBJECT;
        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_REMOVE_DUPLICATE_LABELS)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            if (p->second == "true") text->removeDuplicateLabels() = true;
            else if (p->second == "false") text->removeDuplicateLabels() = false;
        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_LINE_ORIENTATION)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            if (p->second == "parallel") text->lineOrientation() = TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_PARALLEL;
            else if (p->second == "horizontal") text->lineOrientation() = TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
            else if (p->second == "perpendicular") text->lineOrientation() = TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_PERPENDICULAR;
        else if (p->first == CSS_TEXT_LINE_PLACEMENT)
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            if (p->second == "centroid") text->linePlacement() = TextSymbol::LINEPLACEMENT_CENTROID;
            else if (p->second == "along-line") text->linePlacement() = TextSymbol::LINEPLACEMENT_ALONG_LINE;
        else if (p->first == "text-content")
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreate<TextSymbol>();
            text->content() = StringExpression( p->second );
        else if (p->first == "text-priority")
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<TextSymbol>();
            text->priority() = NumericExpression( p->second );
        else if (p->first == "text-provider")
            if (!text) text = sc.getOrCreate<TextSymbol>();
            text->provider() = p->second;

        // ..... MarkerSymbol .....

        else if (p->first == "marker")
            if (!marker) marker = sc.getOrCreate<MarkerSymbol>();            
            marker->url() = p->second;
            marker->url()->setURIContext( conf.uriContext() );
        else if (p->first == "marker-placement")
            if (!marker) marker = sc.getOrCreate<MarkerSymbol>();
            if      (p->second == "vertex")   marker->placement() = MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_VERTEX;
            else if (p->second == "interval") marker->placement() = MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL;
            else if (p->second == "random"  ) marker->placement() = MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM;
            else if (p->second == "centroid") marker->placement() = MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID;
        else if (p->first == "marker-density")
            if (!marker) marker = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<MarkerSymbol>();
            marker->density() = as<float>(p->second, 1.0f);
        else if (p->first == "marker-random-seed")
            if (!marker) marker = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<MarkerSymbol>();
            marker->randomSeed() = as<unsigned>(p->second, 0);
        else if (p->first == "marker-scale")
            if (!marker) marker = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<MarkerSymbol>();
            marker->scale() = NumericExpression(p->second);

        // ..... ExtrusionSymbol .....
        else if (p->first == "extrusion-height")
            if (!extrusion) extrusion = sc.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>();
            extrusion->heightExpression() = NumericExpression(p->second);
        else if (p->first == "extrusion-flatten")
            if (!extrusion) extrusion = sc.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>();
            extrusion->flatten() = as<bool>(p->second, true);
        else if (p->first == "extrusion-wall-style")
            if (!extrusion) extrusion = sc.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>();
            extrusion->wallStyleName() = p->second;
        else if (p->first == "extrusion-roof-style")
            if (!extrusion) extrusion = sc.getOrCreate<ExtrusionSymbol>();
            extrusion->roofStyleName() = p->second;

        // ..... AltitideSymbol .....
        else if (p->first == "altitude-clamping")
            if (!altitude) altitude = sc.getOrCreateSymbol<AltitudeSymbol>();
            if      (p->second == "none"    ) altitude->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_NONE;
            else if (p->second == "terrain" ) altitude->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN;
            else if (p->second == "absolute") altitude->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_ABSOLUTE;
            else if (p->second == "relative") altitude->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_RELATIVE_TO_TERRAIN;
        else if (p->first == "altitude-resolution")
            if (!altitude) altitude = sc.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>();
            altitude->clampingResolution() = as<float>( p->second, 0.0f );
        else if (p->first == "altitude-offset")
            if (!altitude) altitude = sc.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>();
            altitude->verticalOffset() = NumericExpression( p->second );
        else if (p->first == "altitude-scale")
            if (!altitude) altitude = sc.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>();
            altitude->verticalScale() = NumericExpression( p->second );

        // ..... SkinSymbol .....

        else if (p->first == "skin-library")
            if (!skin) skin = sc.getOrCreate<SkinSymbol>();
            if ( !p->second.empty() ) skin->libraryName() = p->second;
        else if (p->first == "skin-tags")
            if (!skin) skin = sc.getOrCreate<SkinSymbol>();
            skin->addTags( p->second );
        else if (p->first == "skin-tiled")
            if (!skin) skin = sc.getOrCreate<SkinSymbol>();
            skin->isTiled() = as<bool>( p->second, false );
        else if (p->first == "skin-object-height")
            if (!skin) skin = sc.getOrCreate<SkinSymbol>();
            skin->objectHeight() = as<float>( p->second, 0.0f );
        else if (p->first == "skin-min-object-height")
            if (!skin) skin = sc.getOrCreate<SkinSymbol>();
            skin->minObjectHeight() = as<float>( p->second, 0.0f );
        else if (p->first == "skin-max-object-height")
            if (!skin) skin = sc.getOrCreate<SkinSymbol>();
            skin->maxObjectHeight() = as<float>( p->second, 0.0f );
        else if (p->first == "skin-random-seed")
            if (!skin) skin = sc.getOrCreate<SkinSymbol>();
            skin->randomSeed() = as<unsigned>( p->second, 0u );


    return true;

Here is the call graph for this function:

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