Open source glider flight visualisation tool.
Updraft::Core::AboutDialog | "About Updraft..." dialog window |
OpenAirspace::Airspace | This class represents a single airspace in the OpenAir file |
Updraft::Airspaces::Airspaces | Top level object of airspaces plugin |
Updraft::IgcViewer::AltitudeFixInfo | Returns altitude |
Updraft::IgcViewer::AltitudePlotPainter | Painter for plotting altitude |
OpenAirspace::ArcI | Arc spcified by center point radius, start angle and end angle |
OpenAirspace::ArcII | Arc spcified by center point, start point and end point |
Updraft::AssignedArea | A structure defining area shape |
Updraft::IgcViewer::AxisLabel | Label marking Y axes in the plot |
Updraft::Core::BasicSetting | Implementation of the setting interface |
OpenAirspace::Circle | Full circle class |
Updraft::Core::ColorEditor | Editor for QColor in settings dialog |
Updraft::IgcViewer::Coloring | Coloring is a class that gives colors to points in igc track recordings |
Updraft::IgcViewer::ConstantColoring | Coloring that returns a constant color |
GeographicLib::Constants | Constants needed by GeographicLib |
OpenAirspace::Coordinate | Geographic coordinates |
Updraft::Core::CoreImplementation | Implements the core functionalities avaliable to plugins |
Updraft::CoreInterface | Exposes core functionalities to plugins |
Updraft::Cup::CupFile | Stores and encapsulates data of the SeeYou cup file |
Updraft::Cup::CupLoader | Performs loading of SeeYou cup files |
Updraft::IgcViewer::Data | Value of a pixel in plot |
Updraft::DataHistory | This class creates and stores TaskData objects |
Updraft::IgcViewer::DefaultColoring | Default coloring just adds together gradient and scaled info |
Updraft::Core::DirectoryEditor | Editor for QDir in settings dialog |
Updraft::Util::Ellipsoid | Ellipsoid model of Earth It encapsulates (contains) osg::EllipsoidModel and capabilities of GeographicLib::Geodesic |
Updraft::Core::EllipsoidName | Helper class representing name of an ellipsoid model |
Updraft::Core::EllipsoidNameEditor | Editor for reference ellipsoid in settings dialog |
Updraft::Igc::Event | A single event from the igc file |
Updraft::EventInfo | This class holds information about a MapObject event |
Updraft::Core::FileOpenDialog | Customized version of file open dialog that has pre-filled filters and mode |
Updraft::Core::FileTypeManager::FileOpenOption | Represents a single option to open a file |
Updraft::FileRegistration | Data describing a file type registration |
FileRolesDialog | A dialog window used to select roles when opening a file |
Updraft::Core::FileTypeManager | Handles file types, opening of files |
Updraft::Igc::Fix | GPS fix event |
Updraft::IgcViewer::FixInfo | Base for track computing values and scales from igc recording |
GeographicLib::Geodesic | Geodesic calculations |
GeographicLib::GeodesicLine | A geodesic line |
GeographicLib::GeographicErr | Exception handling for GeographicLib |
OpenAirspace::Geometry | Abstract geometry in airspace |
Updraft::Util::Gradient | Color gradient in HSV space |
Updraft::IgcViewer::GroundSpeedFixInfo | Calculates GPS speed |
Updraft::IgcViewer::GroundSpeedPlotPainter | Painter for plotting ground speed |
Updraft::Igc::IgcFile | A class that loads an IGC file |
Updraft::IgcViewer::IGCMapObject | Clickable igc geometry |
Updraft::IgcViewer::IgcTextWidget | Text window displaying details of the igc file |
Updraft::IgcViewer::IgcViewer | Top leve object of IGC viewer plugin |
Updraft::IgcViewer::Label | Abstract label in the plot |
Updraft::Util::LinearFunc | Class representing a linear function |
Updraft::Core::PluginManager::LoadedPlugin | Data belonging to a single loaded plugin |
Updraft::IgcViewer::LocalColoring | Same as default coloring, but doesn't use global scale |
Updraft::Util::Location | Class that represents position on (or above) earth |
Updraft::Core::MainWindow | Main application window |
Updraft::Core::MapLayer | A class that represents one logical layer in map |
Updraft::Core::MapLayerGroup | Map layer group used by plugins |
Updraft::MapLayerGroupInterface | Map layer group used by plugins |
Updraft::MapLayerInterface | An interface to a map layer that is used by plugins |
Updraft::Core::MapManager | Map manager is a class providing functions to manipulate with a single map |
Updraft::Core::MapManipulator | Earth manipulator supporting custom settings and keybindings |
Updraft::Core::MapMapObject | Map object of the globe surface |
Updraft::MapObject | Base class for objects that can be clicked on in the map |
GeographicLib::Math | Mathematical functions needed by GeographicLib |
Updraft::Core::Menu | Wrapper around QMenu that can work with item priorities |
Updraft::MenuInterface | Interface to menu used by plugins |
Updraft::Core::NodeMapLayer | Map layer that contains an osg::Node with geometry |
Updraft::Airspaces::oaEngine | Class representing the opened airspaces file |
Updraft::IgcViewer::OpenedFile | Helper class representing a single opened IGC file |
OpenAirspace::Parser | Parsing OpenAirspace file into geometry |
Updraft::Core::PickAction | Action that gets called when a MapObject is clicked |
Updraft::IgcViewer::PickData | One picked point in igc recording |
Updraft::IgcViewer::PickedLabel | Label for the vertical picked line |
Updraft::Core::PickHandler | Handler of osg events that implements clicking of map objects |
Updraft::Igc::PilotEvent | Pilot event |
Updraft::IgcViewer::PlotAxes | X and Y axis for graph plotting |
Updraft::IgcViewer::PlotPainter | Abstract class that plots FixInfo to PlotAxes |
Updraft::IgcViewer::PlotWidget | Widget that shows the plot with flight data |
Updraft::PluginBase | Base class for plugins |
Updraft::Core::PluginManager | Top level object that handles plugin loading and operations |
OpenAirspace::Polygon | Polygon class describes one polygon |
OpenAirspace::Airspace::SB_str | Brush colour selector structure |
Updraft::Core::SceneManager | SceneManager class is a wrapper of the scene, and the scene graph |
Updraft::IgcViewer::SegmentInfo | Class calculating information about a segment of flight between two time points |
Updraft::SettingInterface | Interface to a single settings value |
Updraft::Core::SettingsBottomView | List showing the individual setting items within one group |
Updraft::Core::SettingsDelegate | This class allows us to override the default editors for setting items |
Updraft::Core::SettingsDialog | Dialog window for editing settings |
Updraft::Core::SettingsItem | A single setting |
Updraft::Core::SettingsManager | The main settings class |
Updraft::Core::SettingsModel | Model that stores all settings |
Updraft::Core::SettingsTopView | List showing the setting groups |
OpenAirspace::Airspace::SP_str | Pen style structure |
Updraft::IgcViewer::SpeedFixInfo | Abstract helper for simplifying info classes with speeds |
Updraft::Core::SplashScreen | Startup splash window |
Updraft::Core::StateSaver | Saving and loading application state to settings |
Updraft::IgcViewer::SymmetricColoring | Same as default coloring, but uses the scale symmetrically |
Updraft::Core::Tab | Implementation of an opened tab in the bottom pane |
Updraft::TabInterface | An interface wrapping a single tab in bottom pane |
Updraft::TaskAxis | Graphical representation of task leg distances |
Updraft::TaskData | This class encapsulates all data related to one task |
Updraft::TaskDeclaration | Task declaration plugin top level object |
Updraft::TaskDeclPanel | Widget that is shown in the task declaration tab |
Updraft::Cup::TaskEntry | Structure defining 'cup style' task |
Updraft::TaskFile | Opened task file |
Updraft::TaskLayer | Class storing a task layer |
Updraft::TaskPoint | Turning point in a task |
Updraft::TaskPointButton | Fancy button thingie for adding and removing turn points |
Updraft::Igc::Test::TestIgc | A few very basic tests for the igc parser |
Updraft::Util::Test::TestLocation | Test operations on Location object |
Updraft::IgcViewer::TextLabel | Textual label in plot |
Updraft::IgcViewer::TimeFixInfo | Return time in the flight |
Updraft::IgcViewer::TimeLabel | Label marking the X (time) axis in the plot |
Updraft::Cup::TPEntry | Structure defining 'cup style' turn-point This type exactly copies the data from cup file |
Updraft::TPFile | Interface for a turn-points file |
Updraft::TPFileCupAdapter | Adapter for cup turn-points file Use this class for loading turn-points from cup file |
Updraft::TPLayer | Class storing a turn-points layer |
Updraft::TPMapObject | The turnpoint map object that serves for clicking at turnpoints |
Updraft::IgcViewer::TrackFix | Structure representing a single point of the igc recording, already projected and prepared for displaying |
Updraft::IgcViewer::TrackIdFixInfo | Serves for track coloring according to the track id |
Updraft::Core::TranslationLanguage | Helper class representing a selected translation language |
Updraft::Core::TranslationLanguageEditor | Editor for selecting translation language in settings dialog |
Updraft::Core::TranslationManager | Top level object that finds and loads translations |
Updraft::TurnPoint | Structure with information about a turn-point |
Updraft::TurnPoints | Top level object of the turnpoints plugin |
Updraft::Util::Units | Class for units conversion |
Updraft::Core::Updraft | Top level object of updraft project |
Updraft::IgcViewer::VerticalSpeedFixInfo | Calculates the vertical speed |
Updraft::IgcViewer::VerticalSpeedPlotPainter | Painter for plotting vertical speed |
Updraft::Igc::Test::Wrong | Test invalid igc files |